Apr 4, 2022
On this episode of Stuck to Unstoppable, “the productivity master”, April Garcia shares with us some techniques and habits to put into practice when motivation is not available. April encourages one to follow the things that are in the heart but to first begin with clarity. She emphasizes the importance of “ruthless prioritization” as well as the need to evict fears and other past traumas from the mental real estate. April even shares a story of the time when she found herself in a coup! You won’t want to miss this episode.
Check it out below!
Pivot Me Podcast: https://www.pivot-me.com/podcast/
Social Media handle: @theaprilgarcia
From homelessness to heartfelt industry leader, Stephen Scoggins is an 8 figure serial entrepreneur of multiple businesses who has dedicated himself to serving the person he used to be. His goal is to reach and assist one million people in their journey to becoming who they want to be.
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