Jun 14, 2023
On this episode of UNSTOPPABLE, our guest is Byron Morrison, a leading voice in personal growth and transformation.
This was a fascinating conversation that dives deep into the world of leadership, mentorship, and personal development. With a passion for guiding CEOs and high-performance leaders, Byron shares valuable insights from his own journey and his forthcoming book, "Maybe You Should Give Up".
Buckle up, because in this episode you'll learn:
π₯ The Power of Mentorship: Top performers in every field surround
themselves with mentors and coaches who challenge them to grow. I
talk about mentors daily and attribute my success to my mentor. If
you want to be mentored by me, get in touch!
π₯ Overcoming the Bottleneck Syndrome: When we start a business,
many find themselves in uncharted territory, struggling with
unfamiliar challenges. To be effective, it's crucial to identify
shortcomings and to learn to delegate. I wish I knew this in the
early days. It stops everything "bottlenecking".
π₯ Discover Your Zone of Genius: You need to identify your unique
strengths and focus on tasks you're not only good at but also
enjoy! Do what you love in life.
π₯ Getting Out of Your Own Way: Recognize when you're becoming your
own biggest obstacle. Avoid falling into the trap of overworking as
a coping mechanism, and focus on the tasks essential for growth.
Effective planning and prioritization are key to breaking this
If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to subscribe!
Learn more about Byron here - https://www.byronmorrison.com/
Check out Byron's new book "Maybe You Should Give Up"
- https://www.byronmorrison.co.uk/ordermaybeyoushouldgiveup